How your neighbors can help you save money
Author: RSRE   September 10, 2018

Who doesn’t like to save money? Did you know that by having a great relationship with your neighbor(s) that you have the potential to save more money than someone who does not. It’s true! Your neighbors are a valuable source when it comes to a number of everyday tasks. That is why we want to provide you with some examples of just how you can save a few bucks by being friendly to the people you live beside.

How your neighbors can help you save money:

  1. Watchful eye.
  2. Carpooling.
  3. Extra tools.
  4. Need to borrow something?

Watchful eye.

If you trust your neighbors and have become friends they can offer a number of services including watching your property while away on vacation, taking care of your pets, and even babysitting. Your neighbors can offer all of these services and more for less than it would cost you to hire a professional. Don’t forget, once you ask your neighbor for help you must be willing to offer the same service back to them in their time of need.


Do you and your neighbor have school-age children? If so, you may find that they participate in similar activities, need a ride to or from school, or are attending a mutual friends birthday party, whatever the case maybe you both may find it beneficial to take turns carpooling to these activities. Taking turns will not only save you money but time as well.

Extra tools.

Some tools just aren’t worth buying because sometimes they are just a one and done, depending on the job. That is why asking your neighbor if they have one you can borrow will save you money. Use your resources because you never know, your neighbor may offer a helping hand as well.

Need to borrow something?

Yes, we talked about tools but sometimes your neighbor may have a book for school, extra costume, a bag of sugar, or know where you can get what you are looking for. Don’t spend a lot of money on items that you can possibly find secondhand. A lot of things can be borrowed and traded for later if you are willing to do the same.

While we only provided you with four examples of how your neighbors can help you save money, there are plenty more. Don’t be afraid, especially if you already have a good relationship with them to ask if they are willing to borrow or trade items they already own because they may be in need of something as well.